Monday, June 18, 2007

About Personal Ads

Was on the way home after spending some whopping amount on skincare, when I saw this newspaper headline jumping off at me. 22 yr old NTU 'rich' girl advertises for marriage partner on the net. What?! Am I seeing things right? Asked a couple of my friends what they think. Interestingly, 2 of my male friends just attribute it to publicity stunt, while 2 of my female friends said, if 22 yr olds do this, then what about us ?!

There you go, the difference between men and women. The men very rationally draw up a conclusion that its all for publicity (whether it really is so, thats another issue). Whereas women (including myself) thought emotionally about the age factor.

Skimmed through the lines from another fellow passenger's copy (my bad habit to read off others' papers on the mrt). The report also wrote ' If she is so attractive and young, need she advertise? she should have plenty of suitors, unless there's something wrong with her. '

But thats as good as saying, if one is so attractive, why would one join 'SDU' or dating agency , etc. Does advertising oneself invariably mean there is some lack in the person in the first place, hence the advertisement? And if one is old, then there is a reason why one should advertise.

Why do we think this way then ?

I dont have any answers. Can only point it to an inherent need for humans to procreate and the reality of the biological clock ticking away.

I am just amused at the difference in opinions.

GSS - disappointing

Think GSS is rather disappointing.went to town on sat late noon before my dinner appt. Just see crowds everywhere, and I immediately felt claustrophobic. Cant imagine when the island should hit 6.5 million. Wonder how would I feel then?

Saw some special promotions on tiger air, and itching to plan some holiday trip in december this year. Alas, hard to find kaki. One of the pitfalls of been a single at my age is finding kaki to travel with. Plus its usually not that easy to coordinate leave and the place to travel to. Perhaps I gotta ask my mum to travel with me! Though she has mentioned that she would want to save the money for next year, for a trip to Brazil instead.

Caught the travel bug, keep feeling the urge to get away. I am probably making up for lost time as I havent gone anywhere for the past 2 years.

My photos from Manado can only be up in July. My friends can only pass me when we next meet for dinner on July 5th. So will share later.

Meantime, I would have to make do with whiling my time in Singapore.