Saturday, June 30, 2007

The Rush Before GST Hike

Yes.. GST will increase to 7% from July onwards. You see crowds mulling the malls, in a mad rush to shop during the sale , to beat the hike. I tried to shop.. but alas, the crowds are too much for me.. Couldnt find anything and decide to make do with what I have. Afterall, I do have many clothes.. just that I got bored of the fashion. Perhaps I should buy quality and not quantity from now on..

Costs would definitely increase with the hike.. Alas salaries didnt increase very much.. Over the years, I think the real value of money has decreased considerably. Though some superscale civil servants would definitely earn sky high salaries.. they are not me.. too Bad for me..

After the initial shock of 'higher' costs, we would all go back to working hard, quietly slogging away. The pain would be there in the beginning, and after which we'd get used to the 'pain' and then life goes on... Change is painful, but I think we are a nation that get used to change very fast...

Afterall, what can one do? Nothing will change. Been the practical nation that we are, we probably would just complain, voice our grouses, let off steam , then bite the bullet , to get 'get more money'. We know riots wont help, will make us worse off.. we know wilful rebellion doesnt make things better..We rather get down to "REAL" business..

Sound mellow? meek, unthinking, cynical? Well, perhaps. But I think its because we are very practical.

Singaporeans are a practical lot. We are driven by it, oiled by it.. Honestly, I think tis the same everywhere. Money walks the talk.

Yep, Just show me the money


At times, I really have no patience for people I deemed as irritants. They range from boot lickers to braggers to people who simply irks me. Some categories I have listed... not exhaustive.. (Not like I am saint... but lately.. met many such people)

A) Boot Lickers- they like to show how they put in so much effort for the company , how everyone else isnt as committed or devoted. Simple solutions are exaggerated 10 x or more , to show how ingenious they are.. Other people's mistakes are magnified 100 x. Theirs are usually hushed up. THey always have the LAST WORD

B) Braggers - they tell me their pay have increased, where they'v been for holidays, how their partners love them, dote on them, how their friends say they take planes like taking buses.., how their house is so big they get lost in it.. you get the idea?

C) Workaholics - they dont ever stop working. Even when you meet them, you can see their minds are elsewhere.. still on work. Every conversation is likely to lead back to work..

D) Stick-in-the-mud - they dont like change, not flexible, want their way or the high way. Hanging out with them is no fun. Yet they are so in their own world, they think you are having fun. Worse, they think only their way is right, your way not right. Any change to their plans, you are bound to get a ticking off..

E) Flirts - Mind you, I am not against flirting.. but some people take it to new heights. They'd flirt with anything that moves.. even in inappropriate situations. They think they are god's gift to mankind, to put it VERy CYnically.

I think I shant list any more categories.. put anymore, I may as well say I cant stand humans, including myself. I mean, all of us , including me, are guilty of been any of the above category albeit in small doses. What I am saying is really, there are some irritants I met who are extremes...

Friends, not referring to u of course.... I just need to let off steam...

CHEMISTRY - WHAT defines it?

Since sweet lullaby and odd were talking about chemistry, I'd like to give my take on it too..

Does Chemistry equate to heart beating very fasT? Eyes rolling or blushing when the person of desire is nearby? Sweaty palms, dry throat? Shuddering or stuttering speech when talking to him/her? If any of these strike you, perhaps, there is 'chemistry' in the relation?

Does chemistry signify deep connection with a person? that perhaps this is THE ONE? I am not sure. I dont think anyone has the answers. All I can say is that chemistry does wear off..

I too experienced such potent chemistry before. I too went with my heart on some of these occasions.Looking at the magnitude I felt from the chemistry, you'd think it'd last forever.. At last it didnt. When i saw the person I had so much 'chemistry;' with some years later, I found myself wondering why did I even fall in love in the first place? Whatever chemistry I felt I had had gone. This happened a couple more times.. which leads me to the conclusion... chemistry is the intial attraction, growing love in the relationship is the key.. chemistry can die off, yet love can grow stronger ... (or can grow weaker with neglect too)

I dont know about whether chemistry is art or science. I just know this.. its transient and it wears off.. so gotta keep 'feeding' it? what can 'feed the chemistry'? I like to think its love.. but I think even love can also grow weak? So what feeds the 'chemistry' in couples? I can only think of one word.. (this is just my own opinion.. maybe I am too one dimensional with this 'answer').. that is


Imagine.. you have chemistry with a person.. heart beats, blush blush.. but no commitment, no agreeing to stay consideration for each other to want to commit and make something together.. its purely a rush of emotions.. do you think this will last? Human Beings been famous for a whole gamut of emotions.. can such fleeting feelings be an accurate barometer of soul connection? Is it just raging hormones or pure lust? Can it mean something deeper?
Or it will just be yet another forgotten memory ?