Wednesday, September 20, 2006

My friend's dogs - Cooper & Teddy

Got this some time back. Just thought my friend's dogs are too cute... Just want to share...

Copper is the Jack rusell, and Teddy is the other dog, but I have no idea what breed.

Dilbert and joke..

wah telling me to update. Oh well, not much that I could think of. I do have some pics I want to load, but havent the time to do so. will do that soon.

Anyway, check the following link.

Got this from Wolf. Cheer me up considerably as currently I am cursing and swearing over my project as deadlines are pressing. Does this sound rhyming?! I am babbling and mumbling as my mind goes racing.

anyway, will hope for the best. Enshallah, hope I finish up in time.

Speaking of which, Neko sent me another joke, which i thought is funny. see the pic.