Thursday, November 23, 2006


My Pet, Poppy. A Real RASCAL. Though a naughty doggie, he is pretty aware of his surroundings. When the mood is tense, he will stay quiet. When I see his eyes, I could tell he knows what is going on. I think he understands what we want or say, but he can be quite rebellious at times and refuse to obey.

Whenever I get home, he welcomes me with such enthusiasm that I felt very touched. When I am not home, my parents tell me he will wait at the door, looking out the main gate, waiting for me.

There are times when I just want to knock his head for been so naughty. But that said, he has brought much joy to our family. Glad to have him. Will be almost 4 years since I brought him back.

Birthday Thoughts

Its my birthday yesterday too, 22 November. Had a quiet dinner with my friend, jo. We went to Rochester Park, Da Palo for dinner. The food was so so in our opinion. Think the other outlets offer more variety and choice. Personally, I still prefer the outlets in Holland Village and Cluny Road. It was a quiet way to spend my birthday. If possible, like to meet up simply odd, wah blogger and rae's mother for our get together sometime. (with no kids can? then we can really chill out, but then I know its difficult to arrange) I still miss that tradition when we celebrate our birthdays together.

Just felt very strongly especially from the recent trip that many things in life are not within my control. I could only hope for the best.

My birthday thoughts? I am thankful for health, for the love from my family and friends. Thank you dears for remembering and thank you for your birthday wishes. I also receive a surprise wish from an old friend, zhi jun, over the msn. I am surprised he remembered, afterall, its been donkey years.

Back to work today. Glad its only 2 days to weekend!


Just back from Bahrain from my business trip yesterday. Took the 455am flight on Sunday, 19 Nov. We were all ready to sleep on the plane, before a long day ahead in Bahrain. After we ate our meal, we all slept soundly. After flying for like 3 hours, there were several announcements made in arabic, some language we didnt understand. Suddenly the English announcement came on that sounded like " There is a technical fault in the plane, we are flying back to Singapore". It just woke us up! Its terrifying as our event is the next day and we absolutely had to get to bahrain, by hook or by crook. After landing in Singapore, we were told not to leave the plane and there were no further instructions. The stewardesses were nowhere in sight, we waited for like 30 minutes, still with no news. I went up in front to ask the air stewardess, she was harrassed by some passengers who were getting rowdy and wanting to complain, etc. I asked her what next, she practically ignored me, and left and went to play with a kid on the plane. Felt so pissed then. Subsequently, the announcement came again, and we were told to stay in the plane while they repair the technical fault, which may take an hour. We started checking for alternative flights that could take us to Bahrain, but there were none. All FULLY BOOKED.

After an hour plus, the plane was finally repaired and we headed for Bahrain.
I just have to say THANK GOD!

I find Bahrain boring. Basically there is nothing much there. After the first day's event, we went to an irish pub for drinks. There were lots of expats in the pub. Saw some women all over each other, and I thought thats a strange sight. We proceeded for Thai food, and it was quite nice. Then subsequently we went to the disco. Its supposedly very happening. At 10 plus, there were only 3 other people in the disco, other than us. People start streaming in at 12 plus. They dress really nicely and very good looking. I couldnt make out where they come from though. I left early with my colleague, while the rest of our associates stayed on. We thought the disco would open till the wee hours. But apparently, it close at 230am. Kind of strange since the crowds came in pretty late.

Overall impression of Bahrain is that its freaking expensive (1 BD= 2.7USD) and boring in my opinion.