Thursday, November 23, 2006

Birthday Thoughts

Its my birthday yesterday too, 22 November. Had a quiet dinner with my friend, jo. We went to Rochester Park, Da Palo for dinner. The food was so so in our opinion. Think the other outlets offer more variety and choice. Personally, I still prefer the outlets in Holland Village and Cluny Road. It was a quiet way to spend my birthday. If possible, like to meet up simply odd, wah blogger and rae's mother for our get together sometime. (with no kids can? then we can really chill out, but then I know its difficult to arrange) I still miss that tradition when we celebrate our birthdays together.

Just felt very strongly especially from the recent trip that many things in life are not within my control. I could only hope for the best.

My birthday thoughts? I am thankful for health, for the love from my family and friends. Thank you dears for remembering and thank you for your birthday wishes. I also receive a surprise wish from an old friend, zhi jun, over the msn. I am surprised he remembered, afterall, its been donkey years.

Back to work today. Glad its only 2 days to weekend!

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