Wednesday, June 20, 2007


A friend of mine commented that 'bad guys get the pretty girls'. (He is a goodie chap). I think he said in a way that makes me think, if he has the means, he'd definitely like to date pretty girls. (who doesnt, if I am a guy, I would too :P) That just reminds me of a book I read some months back.

The book is called 'The Game'? Heard of it? Its a book by Neil Strauss. He was a geek who turned charmer. A few years ago, he learnt the art of flirting with the world's 'best known' flirts, attended many such seminars, etc. Subsequently, he wrote a 'tell-all' book about the gimmicks he learnt, tactics men employ to get 'chicks' , get laid (to put it crudely).

When I first saw the book, I thought 'big deal'.. boring, just a list of names these men picked up and laid. But when I read the details, i saw the manipulative stance, the emptiness of it all at the end, and the endless games that are been played out. The amazing thing is no matter where the games or tactics were used be it in Eastern Europe or America, the girls ALWAYS fall for the tactics.. (different girls of course, but tactics are the same). Even Paris Hilton got a mention in this book!

Though one may comment its highly deceptive and not sincere, who is to say in the game of dating the sexes, how real is real in the beginning? Arent many playing games when they first dated? Arent many still playing games, albeit unconsciously in their daily lives? Though thats would be another 'story' altogether.

Whats my point? I think given a chance, most men will love to have the chance or opportunity (women alike, would love to date rich prince charmings..:D) to date pretty gals, be Mr popular, if they know how. (judging from the ploys and strategies in the book, I should think so).

Though that's so, in the book's conclusion, games can get tiring, and ultimately the mask get torn away.. as neil himself much discover at the end of the book. After myraid of games, even the games get worn out, emptiness set in, and there seem to be nothing there left. The author ultimately got hooked up with a girl who wont fall for any of his games and was cold to him (Thats another GAME..), and demanding him to be his real self and he was.. nd he was happier for it. (Though it seemed they recently broke up)

Perhaps, we should have another book that uncovers all these 'games' ? haha,

Games are here to stay I think. Just the level of play thats different.. Though Ultimately, sincerity is most important.

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