Friday, September 15, 2006

My family in brazil

Took this when I went to Brazil for holiday in Dec 2004. Thats a photo we took at a resort in Forteleza. With no offence to anyone, but honestly, the town we saw wasnt very pretty, with loads of graffiti. The beach was nice. We were all wondering, why is Forteleza "The Place to go to"?What were we missing? Why the fuss? Were we at the wrong side of town? Every friend my sis knew told her Forteleza is really fantastic.. Unfortunately, I think those sentiments were not shared. (We still had a great time though!)
Has it been almost 2 years? The holiday felt like yesterday though. How did I have a 'family' in Brazil? To cut the long story short, my sis met her husband on the plane when she was an air stewardess, they fell in love, they got married and the rest they say is History. Hehe, Romance does happen in Real Life! Now, I am the proud " 二 姨" of 3 nieces and 1 nephew. :D. I could still remember the times when I helped to change their diapers, and now, they are so tall, and taller than me! Not that I am biased, but I think they are a good looking family and would turn heads wherever they go. :D
My holiday in Brazil was good, and took a little adjusting to at first. I havent meet with them for almost 4-5 years before that trip. Its strange when you dont see your loved ones for a long period of time. But in this time and age, the distance didnt feel that massive. Technology has made keeping in touch wonderfully easy, though it certainly cant replace meeting them 'face-to-face'. I love the times we spent together, joking, laughing. There's always something funny or some trick someone would be playing. Really fun. I miss them.
I definitely want to go to Brazil sometime again (but I gotta go Europe first!) and the next time I go, I want to go to the Amazon or the Pantanal. Hope it would be soon. Maybe my beloved friends (jessie, susen, amy?) can make a trip together next time?:D
Oh well, Who knows what the future holds?

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